Mike Kvanvig
Principal Mullen High School
07/01/2000 - Bachelor of Art Education K-12
03/17/2014- Masters of Educational Administration
A bit about me:
I married my high school sweetheart Arla and we have 3 boys Ty, Tel, Tate, and our youngest is a girl named Ava. both of our Families are originally from the Mullen area, so it was not difficult to move back home when the opportunity arose. After graduation I could not wait to get out of Mullen and experience something new. After being away about 15 years I realized that Mullen was a great place for a kid to grow up, away from influences and dangers that come with living by the big cities. We have been back since 2010 and I have loved my job and been involved in the community ever since. I coach youth Football, Wrestling, T-ball, and Baseball, along with volunteering to check ambulances. Mullen has the best students of any school I have ever entered and I take a lot of pride being part of that system every day. I really appreciate that my kids get to grow up here and I am sure that when they leave for their future endeavors, they will realize how special of a place Mullen really is.