Students working on their human graph in Pre-Algebra. We graphed several equations that day and everyone enjoys a class outside.

A team presents their findings on one of their problems.

Students moving around working with their teammates.
Greetings! I was born and raised in Minden, Ne. We lived in town but spent a lot of time at the farm 5 miles north of town. I graduated in 1982 and went to UNL for mechanical engineering, after 2 years transferred to Kearney State College(UNK) and received my Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Physics. Got married that summer after graduation and then we packed our bags and moved to Raleigh, North Carolina to attend North Carolina State University to study Nuclear Physics in the Doctorate program. At the end of the first year the University lost the Government grant for the project I was working on and thus was technically out of a job. We moved back home and I went into the new car automotive business. Fast forward a few decades and I decided one day to return to school and receive my teaching endorsement. I was hired on at Mullen Public Schools in 2018 and love the school, town and area!
B.S. Mathematical Physics
Transitional Teaching Degree
M.A. in Education
currently working for a advanced degree in Mathematics
Mullen Public Schools has just re-did the entire math curriculum from K-12 and the new curriculum is Problem Based Learning guided with an emphasis on team building skills. Teamwork is one of the leading skills that employers are searching for. I am really excited and impressed with the new curriculum and the possibilities that it opens up for our students! I have and will give all the time needed to help students understand what we are studying and like to make sure the student has a strong working knowledge of the current assignment. Once I receive at Masters in Mathematics we will be able to offer in person College credit classes in Math to our students at Mullen, this will be in addition to the other college classes offered.
Materials: Pens, Pencils, Notebook and/or 3-ring binder.
To use our CPM curriculum’s problem based learning to allow students to implement math and logical thinking to real world problems
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
Be on time and ready
If not in room when bell rings, that will be a tardy
Respect your fellow students, your teacher, and the subject
Personal electronics will only be used for classroom activities
Cheating will not be allowed
Clear liquids only and liquids will be in a container with a screw on “secure” lid only. All other containers will be taken away for the class period
Absolutely No Food!
Excessive phone usage will result in taking the phone away
Respect everyone in the classroom
Cell phones will be put away during lecture or taken away, your choice
Assignments and Test:
Homework will be assigned daily with due dates
All assignments can be found on CANVAS
All individual lesson plans will be posted on PLANBOOK
Late homework will have a 2% deduction per day up to 15% deduction
Homework must be turned in before leaving on a known pre-planned absence
Homework not turned in on time will receive an “0” and 9th hour until resolved
All homework must be turned in on CANVAS unless other arrangements have been made
All problems will be graded at up to ½ for showing work and up to ½ for the answer. This will apply to both homework and tests
Question value will be the assignments point value divided by the total number of answers.
Participation grades will be taken occasionally
Test will be worth 100 points with no re-working
Must show work for full credit
A 93%-100%
B 85%- 92%
C 78%- 84%
D 70%- 77%
F <70%
I am available from 7:30 to 4:00 daily at school and by email
Always remember that your teammates are a good resource so try them first
Extra credit is extremely rare and should not be counted on
We are using the CPM curriculum 6 grade through calculus to give a consistency needed for cohesiveness between grades
CPM Pre Algebra(CC3), Algebra (CCA), Geometry (CCG), Algebra II(CCA2), Precalculus, and Calculus. Various resources used for Standards Math.
Teamwork Benefits:
Must be open and able to work with different teammates and assume responsibility for the different team roles throughout the year
Leads to higher achievement
Increases retention
Higher self esteem
Greater social support
Greater collaborative skills
Teacher Expectations:
At this level of school, it is expected that students are working towards becoming self-advocates. I will not seek students out to let them know about missing assignments or low grades. All of this can be accessed online and should be checked on a regular basis. Anything that seems incorrect should be brought to my attention so it can be verified and corrected if needed. Likewise, if there is a concept or skill that students feel behind or confused on, it’s the students responsibility to come to me for help. My goal is for all students to succeed in this class. Part of that success is taking ownership and becoming responsible for your own grade.
Student Expectations:
Students can expect me to be on time and prepared to teach each day. I will provide a safe and fun learning environment, where students can feel free to speak up, make mistakes, and grow in their math skills. I will grade things in a timely manner and have grades posted frequently.
Lesson Plans
View - Students link for the selected school year:
View - Students links for the selected classes:
Algebra I
Algebra II
Math Standards