View next week's happenings here:
Sight word fun in second grade!
2:00 Dismissal
No Kindergarten classes
The Mullen Bronco Football team takes on Garden County at 6:30 pm at home in Mullen
Who wouldn’t want to play football with the superintendent? #thebroncoway
Does air weigh anything? Fifth grade students built a scale during Science to answer this question.
Happy Birthday Jared!
The Mullen 7th & 8th grade Volleyball and Football players leave at 11:00 am for Tryon for the 12:00pm Volleyball game and 1:00pm Football game. FCCLA will host their Nacho night beginning at 6:00 pm
High School and Middle School Maps Testing continues with a regular bell schedule being followed.
Tobacco, Vaping, and Juuling Assembly by Robb Holladay from
The Middle and High School assembly will be held from 2:00pm-3:00pm
The assembly for parents and public will be held from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Bronco Update- Varsity Volleyball Seven Valley's Tournament. Mullen Lady Broncos will play at 9:30 AM MST in Callaway vs Anselmo Merna. The team will leave from Mullen at 6:30 AM MST. We apologize for the time zone error.
Bronco Update: Change in JH Schedule
Thursday September 12
All game will be held in Tryon
JH Volleyball starts at 12:00 MST in Tryon
JH Football starts at 1:00 MST in Tryon
Cross Country will NOT travel to Loup City
High School and Middle School Maps Testing will be from 7:45-10:00. A 10:00 bell schedule will be followed after testing. Mullen hosts a volleyball triangular where the Lady Broncos take on Sandhills-Thedford at 3:30 Sandhills-Thedford takes on Hyannis at 4:30 and The Lady Broncos take on Hyannis at 5:30
Students were fortunate enough to visit with 39 college recruiters at today’s college fair.
Middle School & High School Students: Eat a good breakfast and bring chromebooks charged tomorrow for MAPS testing!
All star crew at tonight's JV football game against Maxwell. #MullenBroncos #StrivSchools
Bronco JV Football takes on Maxwell at 5:00 pm at home
Cheer Practice will be held from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Mullen Board of Education will have a Special Hearing to adopt tax requests followed by a regular meeting at 7:30 pm at the Mullen High School library.
Happy Birthday Cade!
Birthday selfie with the principal!
Birthday selfie with the principal!
Watch next week's upcoming events at
Just a reminder, Elementary students will be dismissed following the parade/pep rally from downtown today. Please plan accordingly to pick up your student(s).
Students riding the buses will be escorted to their bus by school staff. Thank you.