Friday, August 23 Activities
2:00 Dismissal
No Kindergarten classes
Everyone deserves a high five at the end of the school day! #BeKind #SecretKindnessAgents
Students built the castle and magic garden from Beauty and the Beast after we read the story.
8th Grade art students playing Blind Sculptionary in class!
Birthday selfie with the Principal!
Making playdough numbers.
Happy Birthday Jocelyn!
Thursday, August 22 Activities
5th Grade Instrument selection-5:00-6:30 at the elementary
Cheer practice- 6:00-7:00 at the high school
Mullen Secret Kindness Agents have started. Not many Superintendents get a note like this to start their day!! This absolutely made my day and it’s just 8:00 am!! Dr. Pearson would be proud!! #TheBroncoWay
Wednesday, August 21 Activities
Picture Day
8:00-10:00- K-5
10:30- Pre-school
10:45- 6-12 students and athletic teams
5th grade is excited to become Secret Kindness Agents within our school. Thank you, Dr. Pearson, for inspiring our students and staff to show kindness and positivity!
The high school guys give a thumbs up to the Mullen Organization of Beef for the donated meat for today’s meal. A special thanks to Rusty and Jennifer Moore for the donation along with Barb McIntosh and the kitchen crew for cooking the meat. It was awesome!!
Digital Media students are gearing up for sports season by practicing their play by play. Look for our students to be more involved in public communication...stay tuned!
Hear Dr. Ferial Pearson speak to the 6-12 students on our site:
Happy Birthday Faith!
Tuesday, August 20 Activities
Dr. Ferial Pearson from UNO will be performing an assembly on Kindness and Positivity
9:30-10:30- 6-12 Grades
1:00-2:00- K-5 Grades
3:30-4:30- Staff
FFA Back to School BBQ-6:30-7:30
Can you guess what our letter for the week is in Kindergarten?? 👄🦁🍁
4th Grade students spent time mapping the Ring of Fire to find patterns and discover whether a volcano could really pop up in their backyard.
Monday, August 19 Activities
Teammates Kickoff BBQ at the tennis courts at 6:00 pm
Happy Birthday Isabella!