State Speech Send Off for Jadyn Thursday 1:55
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
Junior High girls are Expanding Their Horizons @MPCC today.
almost 6 years ago, Ms. Donohoe
Good job to the Junior High quiz Bowl going 8 - 4 today
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
Learning about states of Matter!
almost 6 years ago, Ms. Brown
A little ACT prep on this Monday morning!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Andersen
Mullen placed 4th at Districts today! Congratulations to Jadyn Chasek on her state qualifying Entertainment Speech. Placings (top three qualify): Entertainment: Jadyn 3rd Informative: Taylor 5th Extemp: Samuel 4th Duet: Isabel & Josey 4th, Sam & Taylor 6th Serious Prose: Faith 6th OID: Kaitlyn, Kristina, and Courtney 4th, Hanna, Jadyn and Molly 5th
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Andersen
Due to Prom activities there will be NO Gym access Friday or Saturday March 15th and 16th. Also NO Weight Room Access Saturday March 16th. Regular Schedule on Sunday.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
Mullen Public Schools will have a regular start tomorrow with a regular 2:00pm Friday dismissal. We realize that most parts of the Mullen district is good for travel and some of it is not. If you do not feel safe transporting your child(ren) then please keep them at home. If your student(s) ride the bus, please contact your bus driver if they are staying home. Please be safe. Thoughts are with all of the communities battling floods throughout Nebraska.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
Happy Birthday Samantha!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Moore
Due to blizzard like conditions, Mullen Public Schools will be canceled on Thursday March 14, 2019. Please stay safe and warm.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
Due to the forecast and freezing rain later in the afternoon, Mullen Public Schools will have a 1:00 PM dismissal. Please encourage students to come home directly after dismissal.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
prescription glasses found in mini bus. claim at office
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
Happy Birthday Adam!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Moore
Happy Birthday Molly!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Moore
Congratulations quiz bowlers, high school went five and one and took third place Junior High went 3 and 2 today.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
High School Quiz Bowl Team will NOT being going to Callaway Wednesday, March 13th!!!
almost 6 years ago, Kris Forsen
The Advanced Biology students are studying the physiology of stress. In order to determine the body's response to a cold stress, students monitored vitals while soaking their hand in an ice bath.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Hardin
Happy Birthday Jason!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Moore
Back by popular demand.....
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Hardin
Back by popular demand.....
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Hardin