It may be cold outside, but the spice in our nachos and speeches will warm you right up! Just a reminder to join us at the high school tonight.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Andersen
Speech Night
Calendar update- School will be in session on Thursday March 7. No school Friday March 8.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
FCCLA State Officers, Molly P and Madison J, attended the CTSO (Career & Technical Student Organization) Legislative Workshop in Lincoln. They attended a legislative session, met with Senator Tom Brewer, the Commissioner of Education, and members of the State Board of Education.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Brost
Molly & Madison
almost 6 years ago, Kris Forsen
Congratulations to Coach Ridenour, Coach Hendricks, and our Lady Broncos on making the NSAA state basketball tournament. . The Lady Broncos are the #6 seed and they will play #3 Bruning Davenport Shickley on Thursday 2-28-2019 at 7:45 MST at Lincoln Northstar High School. To accommodate fans travel plans, MPS will have a 12:12 dismissal. Buses will run accordingly The cheerleaders will host a pep rally at 9:15 MST at the Hilltop (HS) gym where all K-12 will be in attendance and the community is encouraged to come support the girls on their road to state. The Lady Broncos will leave at 10:00 am MST for LIncoln. School will NOT be in session on Friday March 1. Best of luck to our Lady Broncos and please contact the school with any further questions.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
Congratulations Broncos on your win. The ladies are headed to state
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
The Kindergarten class is 100 days smarter!! 😁🎉
almost 6 years ago, Ms. DeKay
100th Day
100th Day
Monday March 4 is the MHS Blood Drive from 9am to 3pm at the Methodist Church. Please contact Mrs. Hardin at (308)-546-2223 to make an appointment to donate or visit to self-schedule. As always, walk-ins are welcome!
almost 6 years ago, Ms. Donohoe
give blood
Sophomores (plus Zac) are learning about genetics in Biology. Each partner group is flipping for what their child would look like! We are getting some interesting results 😀 Thanks Zac for joining us so that we had an even number!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Jewell
Flipping for genes!
Parent Meeting on Monday at 7p.m. in Mrs. Hardin's room for students grades 9-11 who are interested in going to Florida in the summer of 2020 for the science field trip. *Please email Mrs. Hardin if you are unable to attend the meeting but would like information on the trip!*
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Hardin
Sophomores (plus Zac) are learning about genetics in Biology. Each partner group is flipping for what their child would look like! We are getting some interesting results 😀 Thanks Zac for joining us so that we had an even number!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Jewell
Boys Sub State Game Moved to Monday at Gothenburg 5:00 mt. vs Blue Hill
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
Regular start time for Mullen Public Schools today Friday February 22. Roads have some snow on them but pretty normal for winter conditions here in Nebraska. They are drivable but please take your time, use caution, and be safe. See you at 7:45 am!!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
Happy Birthday Owen!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Moore
Due to the weather forecast for Friday the Girls district final game time has been changed. Mullen vs Maywood-Hayes Center @ North Platte High School 5:00 MT North Platte has informed us that they will not begin taking gate for our game until 4:00 MT. Thank you!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
It was a fierce competition playing music interval bingo!
almost 6 years ago, Ms. Walls
MHS Physics students, Justin and Brandon, are working on a trebuchet this week. They will compete against the Hyannis DL Physics students by launching items over a 5' high wall at various targets.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Hardin
Please support our speech team before they compete at Districts!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Andersen
Speech Photo
The Boys Sub-District Final tomorrow night will start at 5:00 MT (not 6:00 MT) The NSAA made the change for some reason. Also, North Platte High School has asked me to announce that they will not take your admission for the Girls District Final game on Friday until 6:00 MT. Our game is scheduled to begin at 7:00 MT. There will be 2 games at North Platte High School on Friday. The first game begins at 5:00 MT. I think if you plan to attend the game before our game you will need to pay admission twice.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
The Kindergarteners decided to build the White House today after learning about Presidents' Day - complete with a water fountain and all!
almost 6 years ago, Ms. DeKay
Presidents' Day