4th Graders mapped out the locations of volcanoes to determine whether a volcano could pop up in their own backyard.
2nd graders racing to write ou and ow words!
Hey Bronco Fans get your state Cross Country and state Football apparel. Order forms are in both offices and have been sent home with all K-6 students. Please help support our student athletes and their awesome accomplishments. All checks payable to Mullen Public Schools. XC orders due Oct. 15 and FB due Oct. 17.
Third Grade working on word building skills.
First Grade weighing show and tell with pennies.
Demoine Adams with the whole crew
D'Mo in the house teaching students about leadership and life. Thanks for sharing your message with us @DeMoineAdams!!
Former Nebraska Football Players Demoine Adam's talking and giving some inspiration to the Mullen and McPherson County Students this morning
Updated MNAC Bracket
Congrats Bronco Volleyball tonight, winners over Sandhills-Thedford and advance to Saturdays semi-final.
Awesome day for Mullen Cross Country!! Molly Paxton finished 7th and Trevor Kuncl finished 14th at the Class D district meet in Bridgeport to qualify for the NSAA State Cross Country meet in Kearney next Friday, October 19. Unfortunately Hayden Jennings finished outside the top 15 and did not qualify for state but congrats on a great cross country season. As always it’s great day to be a Bronco!!
First and second had fun acting out Goldilocks and the Three Bears with instruments.
JH VB Tournament @ Arthur 12:00 Start time.
Congratulations to the 2018-19 MHS Art Club Officers!
President- Kaitlyn Crowe
VP of Events- Gracie Hoyt
VP of Media/Advertising- Aubrey Frye
VP of Community Services- Courtney Rice
VP of Communications- Hayden Jennings
Computer 1 celebrates and LtoJ Class All Time Best with 10 minutes of recess. Newcomb anyone?
Normal start time today for Mullen Public Schools. Snow plows are out and about clearing off the slush. Be sure to leave a few minutes earlier just in case. Travel safely!
JV Football Game Monday has been Cancelled
Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences are on October 16th from 2:30 pm to 6 pm. Please use the following link to sign up for a time to meet with your child's teacher(s). https://goo.gl/forms/HpqDhIhr0jIiCxcA2
We had a great day at ESU 16 yesterday learning about Science!
Tonight's pep rally will be moved into the Lariat at 7:30.