Good luck to the cross country team on Thursday!
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Catch the 4:30 kickoff of the Broncos' junior high football game against Sandhills/Thedford on:
The Junior High Lady Broncos Volleyball Team is playing in a triangular in Thedford today. They'll play game #2 vs Cody-Kilgore and game #3 vs Sandhills/Thedford. Watch all the matches live at:
Good luck to JH Football and Volleyball competing in Thedford today!
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Happy Birthday Zach!
Good luck to the JV Volleyball team on their triangular today!
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Good luck to girls golf in Valentine tomorrow!
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JH Volleyball & Football Game Information
Tuesday, September 18th
Thank you to the 5th grade class for helping us learn how to tie shoes each week! 👟
The 2nd-grade students designed and built bird feeders to attract a specific type of bird.
Hyannis asks that we use the East entrance when going to the football field.
The Elementary has some lost and found items! Please contact Katie at the Elementary office if you recognize any items! Thank you!
Friendly Reminder:
If you'd like to receive/view the most up-to-date information from Mullen Public Schools, utilize our app as your go-to source--not social media such as Facebook. Search your app store for Mullen Public Schools and agree to receive notifications!
Volleyball & Football @Hyannis Information
Friday, September 15th
Volleyball 4:00 p.m.
Football 7:00 p.m.
Good luck to Volleyball at their Triangular tomorrow!
Check the app for times.
Good luck to both the volleyball and football teams travelling to Hyannis on Friday!
Check the app for times.
STEM club met for the first time this school year. The 4th-6th graders got to learn about leaf sizes on trees and how it helps with photosynthesis.
Happy Birthday Tripp!
JV Football @Hyannis on Monday, September 18th will be at 6:00 p.m.
JV Volleyball @Hyannis scheduled for Tuesday, September 19th has been moved to Monday, September 18th at 4:00 p.m.