Day 1 of the FCCLA National Leadership Conference is in the books! Students traveled to Denver, Colorado and attended the opening general session with keynote Romeo Salvador.
Wrestling Camp for 6th through 12th graders at the Lariat on Friday, June 23 Cost is $10. Clinician is Colter Julian from Chadron State College.
9:00-12:00 Front headlock
12:00-1:00 Lunch on your own
1:00-4:00 top/bottom
Call Coach Mo with any questions: 308-546-7117
The ducks are set to race the Middle Loup at 4PM today! If you haven't purchased your duck ticket yet, there's still time. Proceeds go to the FCCLA National Qualifiers.
The Hilltop Gymnasium will be closed to all gym memberships and all students for 2 weeks from Monday June 19th until Tuesday July 4th for refinishing the floor. Please plan accordingly as the gym will not open until Wednesday July 5th. Thank you for your flexibility and if you have questions please call the school office.
Family fun night moved to Hilltop Gym. 5:00 - 8:00. cornhole tournament, FCCLA carnival games, walking tacos, all are welcome.
The next regular meeting of the Mullen Board of Education will be Monday, June 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school library. Upon advertisement, a draft of the agenda will be available for public inspection on the school website, the NASB Sparq website, and by request to the Superintendent’s office during regular office hours
FCCLA Members: please sign up to work during the FCCLA Summer Carnival, Friday, June 9th from 5-8PM. If you are unable to work the whole time- put your available time behind your name on the sheet!
Summer Weights Information
There are now 2 color options for the MHS Alumni apparel. Orders MUST be placed by June 1st if you want to pick up your order Alumni weekend.
Day 1 of state track ended with a little birthday celebration for Justin French. He turns 17 tomorrow!
Today went well for the Broncos:
Peyton Paxton placed 3rd in the 3200m
Chase Gracey and Clayton Moore both qualified for the 110m and 300m hurdle finals
Tierston Moore qualified for the 100m and 300m hurdle finals
Kyle Finney competed in the 3200 m and ended a great season!
Alex Werner competed in the 400m
State Track Shirts are in the High School office!!!
Follow your Broncos as they compete at state track. Live results can be found at or you can watch on the nfhs network (subscription required!).
Peyton Paxton: 1600m & 3200m
Tierston Moore: 100m hurdles & 300m hurdles
Kyle Finney: 3200m
Clayton Moore: long jump, 110m hurdles & 300m hurdles
Chase Gracey: 110m hurdles & 300m hurdles
Alex Werner: 400m
Boys 4x400m: (Clayton, Chase, Alex, & Justin French)
For those that ordered: State Track shirts are in and can be picked up at the high school office.
MHS students are raising money for their science trip. Orders can be picked up this Alumni to save shipping. ORDER MHS Alumni gear at
New MOB Board finally got finished in the Gym Lobby. Huge Thanks to all of the Donors. Please contact the school if you would like to donate to the lunch program.
Thank you to Cheryl Sheets and Mullen Post Office for helping us to mail our letters and teaching us about the mailing process! ✉️
Happy belated Birthday Taylor!!!!
If you missed out on the Krispy Kreme donuts last night, Mullen FCCLA still has some available! On sale for $12 per dozen while supplies last. You may purchase them at the Corner Boutique or Mullen High School- FCS Room.
Can a family of 4 purchase and prepare a dinner including all 5 food groups for under $15? YES! The Freshmen Intro to FCS class put their consumer skills to work by planning, shopping and preparing a meal for their group.
Just a reminder that parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child(ren) tomorrow! Let the office know if you'd like to sign up for lunch!