Calendar Addition: JH Track @Chappell on Wednesday, April 20th 8:30 a.m.
almost 3 years ago, Kris Forsen
Sports Update
STEM Clubbers embraced engineering tonight while learning about woodworking from Mr. Hoyt. #MullenBroncos #STEMrocks
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Donohoe
Mrs Brost finishing up with another sucessfull FCCLA night. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement, you will be missed by all.
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
Bertrand Track
almost 3 years ago, Mullen Athletics
Bertrand Track
POSTPONED: Boys Golf @Bridgeport Scheduled for Thursday, April 14th has been Postponed to Friday, April 22nd
almost 3 years ago, Kris Forsen
Sports Update
CANCELLED: Due to the predicted weather forecast, the Junior High Track Meet scheduled for Wednesday, April 13th at Hershey has been cancelled
almost 3 years ago, Mullen Public Schools
Sports Update
State FFA results State Degrees - Alli Loughran & Faith Miller Hall of Chapters - Maggie Haesler, Medora DeNaeyer, Allie Boyer, Mia Flores-Green Ag Academy- Ady Hampton, Hope Miller Delegates - Allie Loughran & Faith Miller State Choir - Faith Miller NE State FFA officer - Faith Miller Congrats!
almost 3 years ago, Jaylynn Ravenscroft
State Degrees
Hall of Chapters
7th grade Ag
almost 3 years ago, Kris Forsen
Sports Update
The next regular meeting of the Mullen Board of Education will be Monday, April 11, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the high school library. The meeting will be preceded by a board workshop at 6:30 p.m. with the Nebraska Association of School Boards to review the community engagement data. Upon advertisement, a draft of the agenda will be available for public inspection on the school website, the NASB Sparq website, and by request to the Superintendent’s office during regular office hours.
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
8th Graders learning how to play the piano
almost 3 years ago, Kris Forsen
8th Grade Music
8th Grade Music
8th Grade Music
Happy Birthday Bo!
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Myers
Happy Birthday Bo!!
Happy Birthday Jax!!
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Myers
Happy Birthday Jax!!
South Loup Track @ Arnold
almost 3 years ago, Mullen Athletics
South Loup Track @ Arnold
Good luck to Faith Miller as she starts the final round of FFA State Officer interviews!
almost 3 years ago, Jaylynn Ravenscroft
State FFA
CANCELLATION: Due to the predicted weather forecast, the Paxton JH Track Invite scheduled for Wednesday, April 6th has been cancelled.
almost 3 years ago, Kris Forsen
Sports Update
Happy Birthday Jedd!!
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Myers
Happy Birthday Jedd!!
Happy Birthday Hayden!!
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Myers
Happy Birthday Hayden!!
We are currenty having an issue with our calling system. If you recieved a call this morning about no school, it was from Wednesday. We will be in session today. Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Kvanvig
Happy Birthday Bella!!
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Myers
Happy Biryhday Bella!!