Congratulations to the 2022-2023 National Honor Society officers. President: Deacon DeNaeyer Vice President: Jadyn Andersen Secretary: Izabella Brown Treasurer: Lauren Schoonveld Historian: Ashlyn Simonson
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Andersen
4th and 5th grades had a great two days on their field trip to Stuhr Museum and Edgarton Explorer Center!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Rice
pulling hand carts across the prairie
Learning the history of the Oregon Trail
Old fashioned clothes washing
Locked up...
Happy Birthday Taylor!!
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Myers
Happy Birthday Taylor!!
State track T-shirts. $18. Qualifiers will be on the back. Will be ordered on Friday @ noon. Email Jennifer.moore@
almost 3 years ago, Mullen Athletics
State track T-shirts.  $18.  Qualifiers names on back.  Order by Friday @ noon.  email
The juniors finished off Earth Science with a difficult engineering project. They built boats out of cardboard and a roll of duct tape and raced them across a pond. The race was easily won by Alex and Whitney as their boat was the only one to successfully cross the pond! This was a fun and challenging project!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Hardin
Bella and Tel’s boat
Alex and Whitney’s boat
Deacon and Clayton’s boat
Jeffery, Isaac, and Eli’s boat
Kindergarten and 1st grade had a fun day touring the Golden Spike Tower and playing at Cody Park!
almost 3 years ago, Ms. DeKay
Intro to Ag started pig dissections today! 🐷
almost 3 years ago, Jaylynn Ravenscroft
The 2nd & 3rd graders learned the difference between light opera and grand opera. They were able to Facetime with Mr. Paul Sharp, who sang opera at BYU. The kids had great questions and were very attentive!
almost 3 years ago, Mullen Public Schools
Coming soon “Una Pooky Historia” by 7th grade Español 👨‍✈️🐽🎬
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Werner
District track @ Broken Bow on Thursday.
almost 3 years ago, Mullen Athletics
District track @ Broken Bow on Thursday .
HUGE thank you to Matt Wessner of @NTVNews for sharing their station with our middle school Digital Media students on Friday! So fun to see the bigger picture.
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Donohoe
Dave Blevins Track at Arnold
almost 3 years ago, Mullen Athletics
Dave Blevins Track at Arnold
The next regular meeting of the Mullen Board of Education will be Monday, May 9, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. at the 6-12 Library at the Mullen 6-12 Building. Upon advertisement, a draft of the agenda will be available for public inspection on the school website, the NASB Sparq website, and by request to the Superintendent’s office during regular office hours.
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Kuncl
3rd grade presented their final Ecology projects to 2nd grade.
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Brown
The 2nd grade class had a blast on their field trip today!
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Brown
Los castels de Tarragona, Catalonia 😂
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Werner
SCHEDULE CHANGE! The Kindergarten and First Grade Field Trip that was to be Wednesday, May 4th has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 10th, same place and time.
almost 3 years ago, Lauren Hollenbeck
The Bronco Beat wants to thank the following sponsors for helping make our live streams possible:
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Donohoe
Stream Sponsors
Main Railroad Crossing Closed, Thursday, May 5th 8:00-2:00 p.m.
almost 3 years ago, Mullen Public Schools
Best in the Midwest schedule for Sutherland
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Kuncl